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Acting: Level 2
Course Outline

If you have a passion for acting and performance, and want to develop your skills further, this is the perfect course.

You’ll learn acting, voice, devising and production. You’ll visit the theatre and review performances throughout the year and get a taste of industry practice, and you will also have visitors from industry sharing their professional experience with you.


You can expect tutors with a wealth of industry experience, the opportunity to explore different texts, and the chance to devise your own pieces. You’ll work with students from other courses in creating performance material and you will begin to look at different styles of drama and theatre. You will work in groups, developing effective communication skills and confidence.

You will be based at our City Hub campus for this course, we have open days throughout the year for students to come and view our facilities here as well as learn more about the courses themselves.

Open day information is available on the Nottingham College Website.

If you want to apply for this course please click on the button to the right!

Course code: C000320/ Q002008

Your Course Leader:

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Ann Marie Eadie


Course Leader UAL Level 2 Acting

Every course has a member of staff who will be your main point of contact as they are designated in roles of course leaders. However, each department is very much a team and therefore all staff across the performance department will be available to help and support you through your studies. To find out more about our staff across our performance department then please

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