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Digital Media Design BA Hons
Full Time/Part Time
Course Outline

The course has a strong focus on business and enterprise and will lay the foundations for your career

You’ll develop business skills such as pitching creative ideas and sourcing funding opportunities, and produce material of a professional standard that demonstrates your ability to succeed in a fast-paced dynamic industry.

Project work takes place on an individual basis, and culminates in an independent assignment for an end of year show.

Practical production elements are delivered during seminars, with access to superb workshop facilities and technical support.

The course has strong links with the UK’s creative industry that generates live briefs.

You’ll have the opportunity to specialise in one area of production including:

  • 3D

  • Graphics

  • Web technologies

  • Digital imaging

  • Post-production

  • Video production

  • Radio production

  • Animation

  • Digital journalism

  • Photography

This course is delivered through a comprehensive lecture programme, skills workshops, studio seminars, individual and group critique, and one-to-one tutorials.

Modules include:

  • Professional practice

  • Specialist skills in digital design

  • Independent study

  • Final presentation

You’ll showcase your work in a professional and public exhibition. Industry professionals act as mentors on live projects and you will meet guest speakers as a regular feature of the course.

Industry professionals act as mentors on live projects and you will meet guest speakers as a regular feature of the course.

You can view the full Course Specification here.

You will be based at our City Hub campus for this course, we have open days throughout the year for students to come and view our facilities here as well as learn more about the courses themselves.

Open day information is available on the Nottingham College Website.

If you want to apply for this course please click on the button to the right!

Institution code: N30 / UCAS code: W214

Full Time Application

Your Course Leader:

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Richard Irwin


Course Leader Access Games & Development, BA (Hons) Digital Media Design & OU Digital Graphics for Games

Institution code: N30 / UCAS code: W214

Part Time Application

Every course has a member of staff who will be your main point of contact as they are designated in roles of course leaders. However, each department is very much a team and therefore all staff across the media & photography department will be available to help and support you through your studies. To find out more about our staff across our media & photography department then please

Nottingham College Media & Performance

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